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The Learning Tree
9 Gauthier Dr
Epsom NH
The Learning Tree Too
46 Gauthier Dr
Epsom NH
Do You Want More For Your Child?
The Learning Tree Offers A High Quality, Innovative Program For
Infants through School Age.
The Learning Tree strives to engage the children in a developmentally appropriate curriculum within a play-based learning environment.
We do this in a unique way by working closely with parents and children to ensure our program fits your child rather than your child fitting in to our program.
We focus on how the child is learning rather than what the child is learning.
We recognize the importance of the first years of life as a time when children learn through exploring and their experiences as an individual.
We offer a program that engages children in many activities, challenges, and interactions with both peers and adults throughout each day.
Our learning environments are well planned for child choice, self-directed, active learning, individualized caring schedules and relaxed care giving.
Children are guided to critical learning experiences that form the building blocks of healthy development.
All teachers in our program work to create plan lessons to engage, observe all children in their development, as well as assess and document children's development.
We want parents and teachers to work together on tracking new discoveries and the accomplishments their child makes, using child-observations and child portfolios.
The Learning Tree is a unique program that looks to establish a full partnership with parents.
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